The Voice

The Voice

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Fotos von The Voice

Jennifer Williams-Braun bei "The Voice of Germany"
SAT.1/ProSieben/Christoph Assmann
Johannes Oerding, Sarah Connor, Nico Santos und Mark Forster
© ProSiebenSAT.1 / André Kowalski
"The Voice"-Kandidatin Lisa-Marie während ihrer Blind Audition
Blake Shelton, "The Voice"-Juror
Getty Images
Michael Patrick Kelly, "The Voice Senior"-Coach
SAT.1 / André Kowalski
Erwin Kintop bei "The Voice"
Miley Cyrus bei "The Voice"
Alberto E. Rodriguez / Getty
Die "The Voice" Jury 2016: Y. Catterfeld, M. Beck, S. Haber, Smudo, A. Bourani
Christina Aguilera
Getty Images
Christina Aguilera
Getty Images
Adam Levine beim "The Voice - Karaoke Press Event"
Getty Images
Miley Cyrus und Pharrell Williams
NBC/Getty Images
adam levine
Getty Images
Getty Images
Christina Aguilera
NBC Universal / Getty Images

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